I once heard that only 3% of the worlds population migrates. In that, at any one time, there are about 1 million Australians out of the country. I’m one of them.

Born and raised in Sydney, I decided at age 16 I needed to go to the best place in the world to play Ice Hockey when my sister and I were no longer allowed to train with the boys, and that place was Canada. That led me to the US, where I was the first Aussie female to play college level hockey. Unfulfilled, I took a break, ended up working at the UN, then wanted to find out about family roots which led me to Turkey. When I was working on my second masters degree, Al Jazeera offered me a job. Then when I was researching for my dissertation in Istanbul, the Gezi Park protests broke out, the BBC offered me a job, and I’ve been working in digital throughout.

During the whole time, sport and movement has continued to be a key part of my life, and that led me to undertake yoga teacher training - initially with no intention to teach. During that journey, all those things done elsewhere came together - public speaking, experience as an athlete, understanding of biomechanics and simply caring about people and helping them become better.

The commonality is connecting with people. In media, there’s the opportunity to reach millions - influencing what is seen, heard, read. But it’s all through a screen. With yoga, there’s the opportunity to connect directly with my students every week, to see people progress physically and mentally.

I’ve lived in 7 countries now including the UK, Qatar, Germany, Turkey, Canada, the US and of course Australia my home and have had the chance to travel widely, including 17 countries in 2018 alone (yeah, that was a bit nuts).

We’ve all got a story to tell and mine is basically about adventure, figuring out what we’re good at and pursuing our passions. I love helping people along the way and learned things like avoiding bosses with ego’s. Since becoming a mama (2018), I’ve been starkly reminded of the passage of time and that our best use of it is in doing the things we love and spending time with those we love. If any of this resonates with or interests you, please do get in touch!